Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Intersections of the Systems of Inequality Essay Example
Intersections of the Systems of Inequality Essay It is indeed very much evident that the human society today is involved with the different diversified effects of human individualism. Aside from this particular fact, it could not be denied as well that the entire human community faces a certain division among population based upon several elements that are usually uncontrollable by the human individual. To sum it all up, there are at least five major elements of inequalities within the human society. The said elements are: (a) Gender Inequalities; (b) Economic Differences; (c) Demographic Gaps; (d) Racial Difference; (e) Physical and Mental Abilities of Individuals. From the enumeration stated above, this paper shall discuss the said elements in a manner that each system of inequality would be clarifies as to how they particularly affect human living systems as a whole.A. Gender InequalitiesThe global society has always been on constant change and development aiming to achieve a utopian state of society where equality and freedom a re present. Everyone dreamed of achieving and social movements to provide a change are always being pursue by the concerned people and institutions. If the present society will look back from the past, they will see many changes in the social attitude, perception and opinion. Take for example the cases of women’s movement for equal rights and responsibility. Though what they dreamed of still has not been achieved, there are still many developments that have been made to satisfy their craving for equality. In addition to that, the case of racial discrimination and ethnic inequality has also attracted enough social response and concern to address this problem. Though many social improvements have been made, the social perspective and opinion for the subjects such as gender discrimination and the family institution problems still need attention. Discrimination with the women regarding work, social status and privileges are still present thus resulting to other social problems su ch as harassment and social inequality. Also, the social concerns for the family institution and the social needs of the children still need enough attention. Thus, social problems such as these need different social perspective to be able to overcome the problem.Gender-free Socialization ModelWomen has also been look down compare to men. This idea has been rooted to the early civilization and human history. Though movements have been made to overcome this social problem, there are still obstacles that are hard to overcome in implementing a â€Å"gender-free†social model.Take for example a case where a person needs to create a socialization model free from gender discrimination. Obstacles such as the innate psychological discrimination are still present such as the preferences of the majority for leadership and political structure. Men are always been look up as more responsible, mature and political competent than women that is why most of the political system in the world are still dominated by men. Another is the traditional pattern where the many traditional social institutions still prefer men rather than women. This common idea usually resulted to the discrimination of the women due to the traditional social norms and beliefs.Take for example the case of women in military position. It is a fact that men dominate the military institutions all throughout the world and that the basis for the structure of these kinds of institutions is the masculine characteristics and capacities. Thus, women who wish to enter this kind of institution must be able to overcome these challenges and problems. Aside from that, men view women as weaker and more vulnerable thus men consider it as their task to protect the women. Thus, most of the men still do not consider and accept the involvement of women to the military institutions.Regarding feminism, most of the men are hostile to feministic movements because the feel that their superiority and their so-called â€Å" manhood†are being challenged. In addition, most of the men view feminism as an act of aggression by the women and that they do not just want equality with men regarding social status but also domination and superiority on top of men. Also, some women are not in favor of the feminism idea in the society because the want and comfortable with the idea of men dominating them. It is also their idea that some social responsibilities must only be given to men and that they do not want to be part of it.Feral and Isolated ChildrenPart of the needs of the children to develop normally is the social interaction whether coming from their own family institution or from outside like school institutions and the community. Psychological studies have shown that children who are isolated and feral need social interaction to develop normally and the parents must be able to provide it. Children need to feel that they are involved in the family’s life and they need to feel the comfort and l ove from them parents. Thus, parent’s involvement and interaction with their children are important to ensure their proper development.Equality is important to the society and the deprivation of the needs always post dangers and risk to the development of the society as a whole. Every person has needs and these needs must always be given or sufficiently address with to ensure the proper development of that individual. Thus, women must be given equal respect and rights with the men because biological and psychologically they are equal and none is superior to the other. But still, they must observe their limitations and proper place in the society to ensure its peaceful and mutual compatibility within the individuals living within the human community.B. Economic Differences: Separating the Rich from the PoorThe gap between the world’s rich and poor keeps widening. Over the last 20 years, the market share of the least-developed countries (700 million inhabitants) has d ecreased from 1 percent to 0.6 percent of the world’s total commerce. â€Å"The majority of the population in black Africa is poorer today than a generation ago,†writes French economist Philippe Jurgensen in Challenges magazine. In Ethiopia, for example, 67 million people live on one third the wealth of Luxembourg’s 400,000 inhabitants. Jurgensen notes that European farmers are entitled to receive a daily subsidy of 2.5 euros per cow, whereas some 2.5 billion people live on less than that each day. Thus, in many parts of the world, â€Å"a poor person is worth less than a cow,†says Jurgensen. (Bowler, 1983, 15)The present society today is composed of a vast population that is so much divided by the economic status of each individual. There are those who have strived and attained the wealth that they wanted, and there are those who remained in their state and stayed poor all their lives. This is the situation that social Darwinism suggests.Th e vast income divide between rich and poor segregates people and even countries from one another. Not long ago the fortune of the richest man in the United States surpassed the combined net worth of more than 100 million of his fellow Americans. Globalization has also favored the growth of rich multinational companies that have practically taken over the world market for certain products. In 1998, for example, just ten companies controlled 86 percent of the $262-billion telecommunications business. The economic clout of these multinationals often exceeds that of governments and, as Amnesty International points out, â€Å"human rights and labour rights are not a priority on their agenda.Because of this fact, economic prejudice and oppression of the poor is very eminent within the communities of any nation. At so many situations, it could be noted that the poor are the ones discriminated from receiving the needed provisions that they ought to receive from the governments. Their rights are duly suppressed simply because of the fact that they have not much financial source to support their need or even their rights. Sadly, the situation of the poor becomes even poorer every second that the society advances ahead through technology, while the rich ones become richer because of their capability to use capitalism as a source of business, which would give them even more financial freedom. At this point, the existence of social Darwinism already becomes clear.Yes, Social Darwinism clearly portrays the psychological distraction that the poor ones get from their situation in life. Being poor have naturally made people commit the biggest mistake of simply accepting what they are. Their blinded mind that focuses on their misery has dragged them to the dreadful situation of helplessness that they are dealing with right now. Certainly, in relating the said theory to the actual situations of the humanity, it could be observed that the idea of Darwinism is indeed true a nd is obvious. Because of the fact that there are those who have power, mainly because they have the capability to gain the said authority due to their accumulation of wealth, the oppression of those who do not have the sources to attain power continues to rise. How is this proven? The following paragraphs that would pertain to the actual current issues shall clearly state the situation of the society regarding social Darwinism.What the Current Events SuggestPoverty is indeed wide spread in the whole world. Because of the lack of ability of the world governments to accurately provide people with what they need due to the fast-growing population, many among the human society are set aside and pushed towards poverty. Hence, as a result, their offspring and the generation that follows their line then remain in the said economic status. There are only a few among the many who are able to succeed in running away or struggling hard to change their status in the community.As a result, thos e people steadied in their situation of being poor already loose hope in coping up with their needs. The fact that they are suppressed in having the things that they need because of their incapability to pay, they then develop the idea that there are no ways for them to survive from their miseries in life except for the fact that they need to live by and accept their life as it is.It might then raise curiosity among readers on â€Å"what are the real causes of poverty among people in the society?†In the diagram that follows, a summarized presentation of the said issue shall be addressed showing what is actually driving the poor sector of the society remains the way that they are.Analysis of Diagram:In the diagram presented above, it could be observed that there are three major reasons why the poor remain poor. The said reasons are as follows: ·Ã‚        Economic ImbalanceThis factor pertains to the fact that that world’s wealth is not evenly d istributed to every person making up the population of the society. Because of the fact that there are those capitalists that aim to put up their own businesses to be able to gain more profit from their original amount of money invested on the said business entity. It is through this that they are able to gain power over the others who are struggling for survival from being poor. ·Ã‚        Population GrowthIt is an irony that those who are poor are the ones bearing many children, children of which they are not able to support. This is because of the idea that they believe in that their children would be the ones who would struggle for better life for them. The more children they have, the faster they would be able to recover from their misery in poverty.However, this idealism has been proven a fallacy. For a fact, as the children of the poor sector add up, the more they feel the terrifying experience of their situation. ·Ã‚        P sychological DispositionBased on psychological findings, poor people tend to ease their burden by telling themselves that they are already contented in the lifestyle that they are living in, and that they have nowhere else to go. As a result, the capitalists feed on this thought by contributing to the idea that without ample finances to support their needs, they are not going to get what they actually ought to have for a living.Basing from these three reasons, it could be observed that poor people simply tend to remain the way they are and the rich ones try to support the said situation by gaining more and not sharing what they have to those who are actually needy.As a result, people who are poor gain three major reactions to the situation. The said reactions include contentment on being poor, lack of self-trust and subjection to social discrimination; these are the things that the poor sector of the society needs to deal with everyday.Hence, America, being surrounded by capitalists and investors, have the rich and the poor sectors which are widely separated from each other. The fact that these capitalist know what to do with the money that they have, they are able to come up with ways by which they can still increase the wealth that they already posses. On the other hand, those who are poor have lesser ideas as well as courage in creating new ways to find a way of living.Certainly, the rich ones who have greater education, have greater chances of creating possibilities for themselves to attain financial success in their lives. More often than not, the rich ones who are already settled in their situation are the ones who have greater chances of increasing their authority and power in the society through the use of their finances. Meanwhile, the poor one who are receiving lesser than needed are focusing on the things that they could only attain. They have lesser time spent on thinking how to increase their finances since they are already only trying to live by with what they have, and they do not have enough hopes of spending their time in planning, since they are already so consumed with their present situation.The president of the World Bank, James D. Wolfensohn, recently voiced concern about continuing world poverty. Wolfensohn noted that a third of earth’s six billion people still live in extreme poverty, reports Mexico City’s La Jornada newspaper. He added that half of earth’s inhabitants survive on less than two dollars a day; and one billion, on less than a dollar. Although he is proud of the progress made by the World Bank in the fight against poverty, Wolfensohn provided figures showing that the problem is widespread and far from being overcome. He stated: â€Å"We must recognize that poverty is a world problem.†(Hodgson, 2004, 13)The distribution of global wealth has never been fair, but economic globalization has widened the chasm between rich and poor. True, it appears that some developing countrie s have benefited from their integration into the global economy. Experts claim that during the past ten years, the number of people below the poverty line in India has gone down from 39 percent to 26 percent and that Asia as a whole has seen a similar improvement. One study shows that by 1998, only 15 percent of the East Asian population lived on $1 a day, compared with 27 percent ten years earlier. The global picture, however, is not so rosy. Wealth has its advantages, poverty its disadvantages. Riches may help to protect a person from some of the uncertainties of life. The poor person, though, may have added problems because of being financially unable to cope with unexpected developments. Centuries ago limited communications kept most people in poor countries from observing how those in wealthier lands lived. However, today it is different. Poor people everywhere, because of newspapers, magazines, radios and television sets, are observing how â€Å"the other halfâ₠¬ lives. They want to live that way too. Many authorities say that the world situation could get very explosive because of the rising expectations of poor nations. It is felt that if their situation does not improve, they may be willing to accept radical solutions to their problems. And it is also generally agreed that the day has passed when the poor nations could be convinced that their condition was simply â€Å"fate,†which they should accept passively.Basing from the theories bounded by social Darwinism, the situation of the human society today naturally portrays what has been said to be the â€Å"survival of the fittest†. Only those who are at the top remain at the top, and those at the bottom would remain at the bottom sector of the society. Up until the time when people learn to share and give up their greedy thoughts and aims will the actual realization of social Darwinism end. As of now, equality among humans cannot be realized as it should actually be. The existence of a wealth-based system in the society has demanded respect from the lower [poor] sector of the society as they submit themselves under the power of the rich sector. It is only the ability of man to change his ways that will bring revolution to this system that is eminent in the human society.Developments in the society will continue to thrive. In this regard, because of social Darwinism, the equal advancement in the lives of the people would continue to be much separated, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The different capabilities of the said economically diverse society would indeed aggravate the situation. It is only when the society learns to share the wealth in an equal manner will the theories pertaining to social Darwinism be eliminated.A closer examination of the globalization process reveals that it has created expanding islands of wealth in poor countries and swelling seas of poverty in wealthy countries. How so? David Korten partly answers this question in his book When Corporations Rule the World:â€Å"Rapid economic growth in low-income countries brings modern airports, television, express highways, and air-conditioned shopping malls with sophisticated consumer electronics and fashion labels for the fortunate few. It rarely improves living conditions for the many. This kind of growth requires gearing the economy toward exports to earn the foreign exchange to buy the things that wealthy people desire. Thus, the lands of the poor are appropriated for export crops. The former tillers of these lands then find themselves subsisting in urban slums on starvation wages paid by sweatshops producing for export. Families are broken up, the social fabric is strained to the breaking point, and violence becomes endemic. Those whom growth has favored then need still more foreign exchange to import arms to protect themselves from the rage of the excluded.†(2001, 345-346)Universally, globalization has placed great pressure o n working people as governments force down wages and labor standards in an attempt to attract foreign investment with the promise of low costs. While some newly industrialized countries have profited from increased exports as a result of freer global trade, poorer nations have been largely excluded from the feast. How can people escape this poverty trap? The simplistic solution is: remove the elite and share the wealth. In practice this does not work. To begin with, there is just not enough to go around. Secondly, remove the elite and another will immediately replace them. Thirdly, experiments in socialist ideals have only [succeeded] in distributing poverty equally.C. On Racial Discrimination and CultureCulture has always been a dominant aspect in one’s life. The principles and concepts that are deeply rooted and are significantly embedded in the anthropological background of a certain individual indeed is also an influential factor for one’s personality and distincti ve characteristics. However, in general aspect, cultural concept is mainly rooted and developed by societies segregated by their historical, anthropological and geographical backgrounds. In this idea, it is a common social characteristic that in a local community people, do often have different cultures classified by their main society they belonged with.Thus, creating and developing a general social standard is indeed very much complicated especially when the standard is about an important human aspect such as education and learning. Creating a legal and social standard must become adaptable and acceptable for the different cultures so that the societies will be able to adjust with it. However, it must always be taken into account that the legal constitution regarding important social aspect such as the one mentioned is created with regards to the general interest of the public. Thus, it is very much important that the two pertinent concepts must be harmoniously balanced in imp lementing legal standards and rules in the aspect of education.Cultural Diversity and the Social StandardCultural diversity in a local community often becomes a controversial problem because two main concept such as its impact on the social interactions and communications, norms and behavior and their language. In this aspect, when people with different cultural background do interact and socialize with individuals from other groups, cultural norm as how they are used with often do complicate the interaction by posing limitation such acceptable actions and ideology and others. In this scenario, the acceptable lifestyle as entailed in one’s culture often do contradict certain cultural concepts that are embedded in the general standard.Still, in creating a harmonious general society, it is very much important that the legal institution in charge of the implementation of the predetermined legal standard must be able to implement a constitution that equalizes the society even tho ugh their group has its cultural diversity. Legal standards must still be created for the general group for them to have a basis of their own norm and their normative concepts. With this concept, the legal standard that will be implemented will become the binder of the cultural concept of the group taking in account their own diversity and differences.Establishing legal standards in uniting people with cultural differences is indeed important in promoting uniting and social adaptation. Through this concept, the organizing party can indeed promote the positive values of one’s culture and be able to entice it with the others thus answering the dilemma of cultural diversity. By establishing certain principles of equality and uniformity over people with different background, social group will be able to act out their chance in relating and understanding others since they can already bridge their diversity and differences thru one social concept.D. Demographic Grid and the Physica l and Mental CapabilitiesIt could not be denied that the entire human society consists of a number of population that particularly belong to the different demographic group thus implying that there exists a disparity on their capabilities to perform their duties to the society. This indeed points out that people are in direct position of being affected as to how they see others basing from their capabilities and their strengths as suggested by their age.ConclusionFrom the discussion posted herein, it is indeed obvious that the entire human society is intersected with the different elements of diversity that governs the systems that it particularly evolves with. The five elements that contribute to human separation pertains to the idea that humans are indeed outing a demarcation between themselves and the others basing from the differences that they have against each other. This particular thinking has lead the human society into different conflicts as outlined within the human h istorical accounts. This is the reason why it is very important for people to consider changing the ways by which they recognize the differences that they have against the characters and capabilities that others posses in particular. Living in a highly diversified society cannot be avoided, but living in peace with others could still be applied to avoid the impending conflict brought about by human differences.
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